Riding With Unknown Fears

Have you ever felt like you are stuck in-between time?
It is that feeling where everything besides you is moving at a regular pace, but for you the speed is ×2.

You are slow, your movements are slow, your thoughts are slow. And somehow you are feeling this death heaviness within you.

You want to reach out and be in sync with the world. But there is a string tied to your legs.

And funnily, the scissors to cut the string is in your hand itself; but here you are in that delusional phase of comfort. Where you want to stick and stay, because you feel some kind of invisible safety net, saving you from the rough world.

You are scared and you are doubtful, about your own self, about failing. You have a list of infinite things which you are eager to pursue, which you passionately want to complete. Yet you are the one who is tying your own self; pushing yourself away from your talents and capabilities.

And now you are sitting alone in darkness, with only the dreams and aspirations, yet you can’t make yourself get out of the dilemma.

And how you so wish you could just get out and ride without any safety gears on that motorcycle. Just you, rustling wind and the unknown fears. And for once, you don’t want to be afraid of falling.

For once, you want to just enjoy the wind. And believe. Believe that you are capable of stoping the ride before crashing hard and hurting yourself.

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